It was one of those Saturday mornings, late, after the kid was long done with her breakfast, that we start foraging for treats to eat. The request came to me, as I looked down at my cat hair covered sweat pants…."Donuts! Didn’t you promise me donuts earlier this morning?" I swear he uses my menopause against me at times.
Changed into my jeans, and on my way out the door, I still don’t think I have completely wakened myself, nonetheless, I have a moment of freedom to look forward to, because I know it takes me at least 10 minutes to get to the donut shop. And hopefully I can shake this foggy brain of mine and clear my head.

I feel like I am behind a filter, bleary brained and all, as I drive along the winding road.
Even though it is daytime, as the sun comes into play I wince…
My view of the world numbs me.

I try to discern the reasons for my need to be… My yearning for a place of solitude and zen moments.
I contemplate the future, while trying to remember if I have learned from my past mistakes.
It seems my days blend into nights, and nights back into days…The Sun pierces my winsdshield, blinding me, now…

My eyes burn like a fierce solar storm that blows a headwind straight from Hades.
I am floating, in and out of a dreamlike state, while the rods in my eyes adjust to the changing rays that bombard me… the road I travel continues…
For all I know I am now lost...
Things are starting to look different outside…

A memory from somewhere inside me, a subconscious state floats around my car's sunroof, trying to escape into the morning air. It's like I have been here in a dream,
have I been here before?
Suddenly the clouds start burning away, the birds now return,

along with my reason for being:
Donuts … As I drive onward, my path becomes less obscured, and the sky is clearing, and My Contemplation now fades away, to be replaced with a Pavlovian condensation in the roof on my mouth.
I arrive to find that the donut shop is completely stocked, unusual for a Saturday, especially unusual for a donut shop that has just added an extra dining room, now enlarging into the failed eatery next door. This donut shop also serves biscuits and gravy, very popular, though something I have yet to taste, ever. And this shop opens at 5:00 in the morning, to a daily crew that eagerly eats Cal's fresh donuts and gravy goodies.
Oh yes, it’s going to be a good day after all! I am usually left with the 'jimmy' covered, green iced, cake donuts; the donut assortment having been picked over between 5:30 and 8:00 in the morning.
Arms laden with boxes of donuts of every color and size, I walk out to the car.
Now, since I am not allowed to eat in my car, I take note that I have picked a good assortment of donuts, ones that melt in the mouth, ones that squirt red stuff, and even the ones that leave the maple icing in the corners of the mouth that I think I wiped off earlier.
Yes, I am not allowed to eat in my car, especially when driving. Nor am I allowed to eat sweet things around my camera…
They're my rules. So I can break them.

Now parked in a County Lot, I notice a cop watching me, like I am some kind of perverted freak. I guess I probably shouldn’t do this.
I should be home with my family right now….
Not parked out in some obscure location with this box of donuts on my lap…
My drive home was a little too quick, for my liking.
This is all that was left to feed my family.
~This Volvo Donut tour has been brought to you by Claybritt Images.
All names have been changed to protect the innocent donut eaters
Any resemblance to anyone you might think you know
is purely coincidental, and should be taken with a grain of sea salt.