I hope my work awakens your senses, or leaves you feeling emotionally changed.
My Promise to you: I will not bore you with reams of shots with star filter images.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
And now, from the NE Pacific Inland Valley Region

Separating the backyard from the front yard.
Our Banks rose, now 3 years old.
This was a Father's Day gift for Danny, all growing from an 18" 1 gallon plant that Sarahbushka gave him. He planted it in one of those desert-dry strips of clay soil that extends along the edge of the driveway, next to our fence and directly in line with the gate when it is open. Ha, it never gets opened all the way, as it is an RV drivewayand opens the backyard to the frontyard, and we don't have an RV, so this gate has become a perch and a catwalk in which one of our kitties uses to view her world.Our Banks rose, perhaps a little too close up.
Under the Veil
A Hebe and a weedOur Happy Hebe.
We love Hebes. They are such a uniques group of plants, and I believe that most people ignore them as though the were some itchy juniper or a nondescript arborvitae. But if one looks at them up close and personal, expecially some of the larger leaved varieties, they might see some really interesting plant growth, like say, perfectly aligned and alternating leaves that grow in a beautiful pattern. These hebes are golden green and have a pretty growth pattern, then once a year, we get surprised with gorgeous little white flowers. This only happens when they are very happy.
Our now well known red Japanese Maple freshly laden with seed pods.
There is always that "one" the crowd
Some of our Bearded Irises.
The "Stand Out" in our crowd It's always interesting to see which of our bearded Irises
will bloom. It seems that every year our Iris patch has a new and varied display.
The Ripening

Korean Dogwood - done to Medium rare
My birthday present from Sarahbushka this year is a Korean Dogwood.
In May, when I received it, the flowers were just barely opened, and they were green with little stamens and pistals showing. Later, they became almost pure white, just before they started to tinge with a bit of pink.
Korean Dogwood- done to medium
Korean Dogwood, well-done

my favorite variety of Violas
Monday, April 20, 2009
They're Baaaack!
A classic attack, note the yellow tan spots on the needles.
This image and the image below shows the larvae having eaten a needle all the way to the base. Note how they work together ringing the circumference while consuming the needles.
In the images below and right, the circle has become 3 circles. These circles are showing the processing of hatching and eating through the pine needle, and emerging from the the edge of the needle. (top circle shows the head just below the surface, the needle split open, middle circle showing a slit either just opened or the larva just emerged. In the bottom circle the larvae's head is poking up, perhaps getting its first view of dinner.)
But we'll be keeping a vigilant watch over the remaining tan spots on those needles.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Taking a Moment ~ To Cross Promote

If this isn't the cutest thing I have ever seen. I almost want to go out and buy or even borrow a dog, just to have a chance for it to wear one of these "chic" cowls.
"Etsy Finds: Fashionable in Fur"
Sunday, March 22, 2009
The World Awakens
Saturday, March 14, 2009
A Mini Trip! Trees~ A Spring Challenge of Creativity- and My Wanderings To Get Where I Need To Be.
For some time now I have had a project in the works at my other venue, Wires ’n Pliers ; a project that has one of my beloved elements included into its makings. And that is Abalone, AKA Paua (Maori) from its New Zealand native location.
Paua is a mollusk that is found in tidal zones on every continent other than the warmer Atlantic Western seaboards and its central coastlines. I remember as a child having Abalone steak and loving it, though later it became politically incorrect to eat it due to being over harvested.
Abalone (Paua) nacre is unbelievably beautiful due to its rich and dark patterns, unlike pearl nacre, which has its own grace and beauty. Today it has reemerged with great popularity, especially in the Southern Pacific waters, much to the angst of some localities who must now police the harvest with due diligence, once again, due to over harvesting.
Unlike the Oyster mollusk’s nacre, or pearl, the Abalone pearl nacre cannot be judged on its roundness nor does it require processing, or to be bleached or buffed. It is a favorite item used for inlay, and its beauty has been recognized and used throughout history, as jewelry, ornaments and more, especially in the coastal zones.
Once you see it, you will remember it. When I see pieces that I especially like, I buy them, saving them for later.
Recently, later became now, for me...
I finally decided what I wanted to do with some doublet*(see below) beads and a huge pendant piece that I have had for several years. I finished it, excepting the clasp, which I will forge later; but still, I had no name for it. So it has been in the unsorted file as "Paua" for a while now.
How it all came about:
I am in a Jewelry Guild at Etsy, a Global Street team (an Etsy sellers networking system), and we have Seasonal Challenges, which are always fun. In our weekly chats we decide what we will focus on for our challenges; then poll readers of our public blog (eJAG), to choose the winner. The prize is a Featured Artist article in our blog and our team site too.
All fun, no pressure.
This spring our Challenge is titled “Spring Fling” and the rules are: "Trees"
Any type, any shape, any medium, anything…but it must be worn on the body. Our goal is to see what vision and inventiveness can grow into a jewelry item. We want to see where one word like tree(s) will take a person in their creative mind.
Ok, so those who know me well…need I say more?
I am usually on the fringe of normalcy anyway, which keeps me busy at my hairdressing job, but when requested to click the creative button in my mind, the box I am usually outside of, then becomes hard to keep my grip upon, just my fingernails remain hooked in to the fluted cardboard corrugations that connect me with my Earth.
So, to come up with a “spring fling” idea, in the tree arena…with my favorite medium, copper wire; the box that I so tenaciously grip; I had to soak in water, to soften the edges for me. Is that metaphorical enough for you?
Here is what I came up with:
"Barren" – "Sticks and Stones
Can break our bones,
But our words, come back to haunt us.”
This necklace may ultimately find itself
in my Misfits Etsy shop due to the fact
that I consider this a prototype
and created in a flurry of excitement
Well now, THAT got me looking at THIS: (Because it is in the same photo file, and I had to scroll down past it)
Which ultimately took me here:
"Eve, The Many Faces of; "
This necklace will be placed in my Signature Series file in my shop, because until today, I had never really taken a close look at my saved New Zealand “catch.”
So I am glad, and peace reigns over my computer once again.
This concludes today's Mini Trip.
Thank You for coming to visit Claybritt images, and please return soon. It has been my pleasure to swoon you off your spot today.
So, if you happen to find yourself in the neighborhood of our Ejag blog between March 15 and March 31st, you are more than welcomed to vote, in fact we want your vote!
When given free reign, it is amazing to see how one gets from here,
to there.
I love to view the width of a span.
Friday, February 27, 2009
The Goyle File: for GardenJoy4Me
I recently e-met a new friend of a friend: GardenJoy4Me, through Garden Author, and her great Blog, of which I am a follower, amongst approximately a million other followers.
I was elated to find that not only does Joy (of GardenJoy4me) desire to be part of the SETI program (of which I actually knew some people once associated with it, from back in the NASA days), Joy also has some funny felines like us (probably like everyone whose felines allow human to share their habitat), and Joy has Goyles, too! That's Goyles as in Gargoyles
So I am here to introduce my Goyle to her Goyles:
Goyle (in pose), for his thoughout-the-year-modeling job:
"Fall Goyle"
with 6 legged male friend that lost his legs in a fight for the ladies.
Day Snow Goyle
Over Snowed Goyle
Night Goyle
Thinks shes a Goyle...
This posting has been brought to you by the Goyle file from Claybritt Images.