How can anyone say No to this?

If this isn't the cutest thing I have ever seen. I almost want to go out and buy or even borrow a dog, just to have a chance for it to wear one of these "chic" cowls.
I found them at Tarja's shop at, named EmmaCharlesPhotoPlus and Tarja has a passion for art whether it be yarn art (as shown here) or digital art (which is also shown here) in her listing's picture. She has these cool, chic cowls in other colors, too.
So check out her shop, and I would like to take this moment to wish Tarja a big Happy Birthday on April 6th (coming up real soon now).
And Tarja, congrats for placement on the daily email:
"Etsy Finds: Fashionable in Fur"
That's "Fur," as in the fur of our fourlegged Pet's. It's a Pet Parade! Of all 9 items in this wonderful emailing, Tarja's cool neck cowl certainly was the schizzle!
Tarja and I have something in common, too. We both shoot with Nikon D60's. YaY!
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